Appendix C - Custom internal actions

This appendix provides a (very) brief introduction to implementing custom internal actions in Jason.

Getting started

Create a new Jason project in Eclipse called appendix_c.

Example - Euclidean distance

Suppose we want to calculate the Euclidean distance between P1 = point(X1, Y1) and P2 = point(X2, Y2). This functionality could be implemented in Jason with a custom internal action of the form euclidean_distance(P1, P2, Q) where its execution would serve to instantiate variable Q with a number representing the distance between P1 and P2.

With the Jason project highlighted in Eclipse select File > New > Internal Action.

Enter euclidean_distance in the Name field and select Finish.

A new Java file should be automatically created at src/java/appendix_c/ Edit the file as follows:

package appendix_c;

import jason.asSemantics.DefaultInternalAction;
import jason.asSemantics.TransitionSystem;
import jason.asSemantics.Unifier;
import jason.asSyntax.LiteralImpl;
import jason.asSyntax.NumberTerm;
import jason.asSyntax.NumberTermImpl;
import jason.asSyntax.Term;

public class euclidean_distance extends DefaultInternalAction {

    public Object execute(TransitionSystem ts, Unifier un, Term[] args) throws Exception {
        LiteralImpl p1 = (LiteralImpl)args[0];
        LiteralImpl p2 = (LiteralImpl)args[1];

        NumberTerm x1 = (NumberTerm)p1.getTerm(0);
        NumberTerm y1 = (NumberTerm)p1.getTerm(1);

        NumberTerm x2 = (NumberTerm)p2.getTerm(0);
        NumberTerm y2 = (NumberTerm)p2.getTerm(1);

        double value = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(x2.solve() - x1.solve(), 2) + Math.pow(y2.solve() - y1.solve(), 2) ); 

        NumberTerm q = new NumberTermImpl(value);

        return un.unifies(q, args[2]);


Custom internal actions are implemented by extending the base class DefaultInternalAction from Jason and overriding its execute method. The syntax for executing custom internal actions within an agent file is package_name.class_name. Our action can thus be executed using appendix_c.euclidean_distance(P1, P2, Q).

Note: Standard convention for naming of classes in Java is camel case, but standard convention for naming of actions in Jason is snake case. We follow the latter convention in this example.

An important feature of internal actions is that arguments need not be fully ground when the action is executed. In our case the code assumes that P1 and P2 are fully ground literals of the form point(X, Y), while Q is a variable that is instantiated by the action itself.

Note: Details on how to implement the execute method can be found in Section 7.1 of the Jason textbook.

Edit sample_agent.asl as follows:

/* Initial beliefs and rules */

/* Initial goals */

!distance(point(1, 2), point(3, 4)).

/* Plans */

+!distance(P1, P2) :
  true <-
    appendix_c.euclidean_distance(P1, P2, Q);
    .print("Euclidean distance from ", P1, " to ", P2, " is ", Q).

Run the Jason project.

[agent1] Euclidean distance from point(1,2) to point(3,4) is 2.8284271247461903

The new custom internal action appears to be working correctly.


In this appendix we have seen very briefly how to implement custom internal actions in Jason using an example of calculating the Euclidean distance between two points.

This appendix is provided for the sake of completeness only, and you should think carefully about whether a custom internal action is really necessary for your Jason project; custom internal actions are easy to abuse, and may duplicate functionality that is already supported in Jason by default. For example, the Euclidean distance could in fact be easily implemented in an agent file using built-in arithmetic operations without the need to resort to custom internal actions.